Multi User Virtual Experiences

CyberPharm is proud to provide solutions and consultations on the plethora of differing multi-user VR systems currently available as well as offering our own range of bespoke services.

From creating virtual meetings, to facilitating mass training scenarios, the benefits of being able to include multiple users within a virtual experience can be invaluable. This is one application of VR technology, that when used appropriately, can surpass the real world in cost, safety, efficiency and flexibility.

Systems of this type can be delivered as on-line or off-line entities as well as being public or private. Users need not be at the same geographical location as each other or their supervisors or even on the same continent.

The types of system already available and the types of hardware needed will vary between solutions, as such the best way to move forward is to get in touch with us for a consultation, this need not be an in depth technical meeting (although it can be) but rather a discussion of concepts to determine your most suitable future action.